************************* MASTER CODE *************************************** The name of the first file in this disk's directory identifies the volume, issue number and revision of the disk. The format of this filename is: !CDmvvii.rrr where ! = the '!' character m = C for C Users Journal, W for Windows Developer's Journal vv = volume ii = issue rrr = revision (001 for initial release, 002 for next update, etc.) The file UPDATE.DOC contains information about any additions or corrections to material on the disk since the original magazine publication. If you have obtained this code from a floppy diskette or from CompuServe, the headings under the column "FILENAME" represent the names of .ZIP files. All files listed under the filename are archived in the .ZIP file. Keywords: Jun96 C C+ Reuse Matrix Dynamic Random Visualization CUG Allocators The code listings for the June 1996 issue of C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Mark Kerzner's signal processing technique with Dynamic Programming, Stephen Schulist's general purpose matrix class, Jerry Dwyer and K.B. Williams' test suite for random number generators, and listings from Will Schroeder's article on Scientific Visualization. Also included are source listings from P.J. Plauger's column, Standard C/C++, and Dan Saks' column, C++ Theory and Practice. ************************* FILE DESCRIPTION ********************************** The following files are included in the disk: FILENAME AUTHOR-NAME TITLE PAGE (Zip archive/ subdirectory name) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- plauger P.J. Plauger Allocators memory - listing 1, , part 1 kerzner Mark Kerzner Signal Processing with Dynamic Programming select.cpp - listing 1, Two versions of the Select() function for Dynamic Programming schulist Stephen A Simple Matrix Class Schulist array.h - listing 1, The underlying Array class matrix.h - listing 2, The matrix class assert.h - not listed, Defines ASSERT macro dwyer Jerry Dwyer & Testing Random Number K.B. Williams Generators Complete source listings schroeder Will Schroeder Visualizing Scientific Data sphere.cpp - listing 1, Drawing a sphere shrink.cpp - listing 2, Shrinking the sphere glyph.cpp - listing 3, Glyphing the sphere isosurf.cpp - listing 4, Generating an isosurface saks Dan Saks C++ Theory and Practice Abstract Declarators, Part 1 table1.o - table 1, A simplified grammar for the syntax of C++ object and function declarations table2.o - table 2, A summary of EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) operators table3.o - table 3, A grammar for parameter-declaration using optional, non-empty abstract declarators table4.o - table 4, A grammar for parameter-declaration using mandatory, but possibly-empty abstract declarators ******************************************************************************* If you have questions regarding to the disk, please call or write us. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miller Freeman Inc. 1601 W. 23rd St. Suite 200 Lawrence, KS 66046 1-800-444-4881 or 913-841-1631 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------